Jan 21, 2009

List of most haunted places in Japan!

When I was investigating "leads" on places in Japan that are deemed to be somehow haunted, to do a Ghosthunters-style investigation with some of my friends, I kept on finding the same stories over and over. If you Google "haunted places in japan" or "scariest places in Japan" you will undoubtedly come across a list a half-dozen or so in length, hosted at Shadowlands. While this list is nice as a starting point, for the most part, it either provides hardly enough detail on where to find the specific location being discussed, or provides locations that are unavailable/inaccessible to normal civilians. Unfortunately, most other sites in English are pretty much copy-and-paste jobs of the Shadowlands material; few, if any, unique locations are mentioned.
Thus: my pet project in Google Maps (seen below; link here). A serious collection of locations gleaned from stories I've heard from the Japanese. At some point I intend to travel to as many of the sites in my own list as I possibly can- -to offer a firsthand account of what they're all about, and if they're worth spending the time to visit and perchance have a creepy/paranormal experience of your own.
What's listed below are the actual locations I have been able to gather so far, and as precisely determined as possible given the data available. If I'm unsure of the precise location, I mention that. Eventually I hope to provide a short background on each location along with ratings on the "scare factor", photos, and as much information as I can compile.
If you are interested in contributing, or have an experience of your own, please feel free to contact me.